In Focus

Election 2024: Where the Candidates Stand
With the 2024 election season well underway, there are scores of policy proposals flying around, particularly on environmental issues like climate change, energy efficiency and resilience from natural disasters.
But what about buildings? Buildings account for more than 40 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and 70 percent of electricity use. Any comprehensive policy proposal on the environment should include the built environment as part of the solution.
BuildingAction reviewed the Presidential candidates’ websites to find out where they stand on sustainable building issues. Read on to see what each candidate says (or does not say) about green buildings. Ans we are asking all candidates for the House and Senate to share with us their views on sustainable buildings.
BuildingAction does not endorse candidates in primary or general elections. Nothing in this report should be construed as support or opposition to any candidate. Candidates and parties are listed alphabetically. BuildingAction made every effort to report on candidates’ positions accurately; any mistakes or omissions were inadvertent. Please email with any suggested corrections.)
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